Saturday, June 24, 2006

Take to the World
Aaron Tate

Go in peace to love and to serve
Let your ears ring long with what you have heard.
May the bread on your tongue
Leave a trail of crumbs
To lead the hungry back to the place that you are from

And take to the world this love, this hope and faith
Take to the world this rare, relentless grace
And like the three in one
Know you must become what you want to save
‘Cause that’s still the way
He takes to the world

Go and go far
Take light deep in the dark
Believe what’s true
He uses all, even you
May the bread on your tongue
Leave a trail of crumbs
To lead the hungry back to the place that you are from

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Congratulations Luke and Tanya!

My older brother Luke got married this weekend. It was beautiful! Twenty some odd years of prayer has gone into this day... what an awesome thing for two families, rooted and established in God, be joined together to continue this faithful legacy. And I quote from the maid-of-honour's speech: "May this day, the day of your wedding, be the day you loved each other least."